I've been tagged by Wild_Mare and Blasha :
10 years ago: well i was 18 years old i just got my 1st car and it was so cool i loved this car oo i just started goin to KU yaaa i did that but not for long :)
5 years ago :well i was in the states and i was having somch fun there Why did i come back ??
1 Year ago :well same as now working at this stuped job lookin for new one and tring to have my own bznz and yaa kant al bor9aa fee 3ezhaa al7emdelaa i made some money ;)
Tomorrow :tuesday hmmmmm going to see a store and see my friends bel dewanyaa
5 snacks I enjoy : chocolate , krispy kreme "wow i miss it ", mango and any frout love frout
5 bands/artists that I know the lyrics to most of their songs: Rob Thomas , 3 Doors Down , Aerosmith , jewel , oo bolbol akeed :)
5 things I'd do with $100,000,000 :i'll get huge house bait fee dubai oo alb7rain some cars oo new company
5 locations I'd like to run away to:Las Vegas ,LA , b7rain ,dubai , my 2nd house cos no one there
5 bad habits I have:well yamken eshway 3a9abe , oo sa3at eygooloan leey bard eshway :P bs
5 things I like doing: traveling , going out with my friends , reading new book , watching tv , working on my bznz .
5 TV shows/series I like:Simpsons love them :) , Friends , CSI , Seinfeld , According to Jim
5 movies I like: fight club , dogma , oceans elevens , snatch , mallrats
5 people I'd like to meet : hmm no one i cant think of now
5 biggest joys at the moment:working on my own stuff :)
5 favorite toys :my car , my computer , my watches i buy somuch i should stop
well i think most of you ppl have been tagged but why not im tagging any one read it ;) and havent done it